quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2010

Neon Indian - Mind, Drips

Novo vídeo para o álbum de estreia do ano passado para Neon Indian.
Vídeo este feito com um "sintetizador de vídeo", algo parecido ao que parece com os sintetizadores de música... Passo a citar:

"Lars Larsen is an electronics designer and multimedia artist in Austin, Texas. Larsen's work focuses on synergistic relationships between technology and subject, and the resurrection of forgotten pre-Computer Age technologies. Over the past few years, he and partner Edward Leckie of Sydney, Australia have been developing an analogue video synthesizer called the LZX Visionary in the tradition of esoteric video art tools used in the 1970's. The LZX Visionary manipulates and creates images in the same way a normal synthesizer does for sounds. Mind Drips is the first music video to utilize this unique synthesizer, and all of its visual effects are recorded in real-time using techniques such as abstract pattern synthesis, video feedback, and analog compositing. For more information on the LZX Visionary video synthesizer, visit lzxindustries.net or e-mail lars@lzxindustries.net"

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