sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

The Vaccines - All In White

Digitalism - Forrest Gump

Os Digitalism têm nova música a rodar pela net, Forrest Gump, que foi escrita com a ajuda de Julian Casablancas, mas ele não participa com a voz na música (correcção que foi feita no Facebook pelos Digitalism).
O novo álbum, I Love You Dude, deverá ser lançado a 20 de Junho.

Digitalism have a new song, Forrest Gump, that was written with the help of Julian Casablancas (but he doesn't features in the song, correction that has been made by Digitalism on their Fabecook).
The new album, I Love You Dude, will be released on June,20.

Digitalism - Forrest Gump (feat. Julian Casablancas) by RTribouillier

sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

Peaches - Mud

A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade - Oração

É impossível ficar indiferente A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade que nos vem de forma quase viral invadir este lado do Atlântico, directamente de Curitiba do Brasil. E sim, confessam-se como fãs de Beirut!

It's impossible stay indifferent to A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade that come in a viral way to the web, directly from Curitiba, Brazil. And yes, they're fans of Beirut!

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

James Blake - Lindisfarne

James Blake has a new video from their debut album. Lindisfarne has right to a strong video with a strange new friendship ritual.

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Liturgy - Returner

I know that looks like kinda of weird, but it's impossible to ignore the black metal band, Liturgy. Yes, a black metal band! But this one it's different, it's sort hated by metal people and exists an emphaty with the indie people. Yeah, it's like what happened with The Weeknd. They aren't a typicall indie band, but fit in there quite easely because of their attitude. I think that has been created a new generation of indie bands, that doesn't need to sound exactly like indie.

Listen carefully Liturgy, they released their second album, Aesthethica, on May,10, and might be surprised with the energy and strenght that we can feel in their songs!

quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

TV On The Radio - Nine Types of Light (the "movie")

"Nine Types of Light is as much an album as it is a movie by TV on the Radio. The movie is meant to be a visual re-imagining of the record, and includes a music video for every song on the album. The band personally asked their friends and the filmmakers they admired to help direct the music videos. Tunde Adebimpe, the director for the full Nine Types of Light movie, storybooked the music videos together with interviews from local New Yorkers on various topics, including dreams, love, fame and the future. Tunde also directed the music video for Forgotten."

Ah! Um dos amigos presentes neste "filme" dos TV On The Radio é a portuguesa Benedita Pareira...!?

sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Tennis - Take Me Somewhere

No início do ano, os Tennis (este duo que por acaso são um casal bem casado de Denver), lançaram o seu primeiro disco, Cape Dory, depois de terem acabado o curso de Filosofia e de terem estado sete meses a velejar! Resultado: um fantástico disco, de músicas indie pop feito para ser ouvido à beira mar com a máxima descontracção possível.

In the beggining of the year, the Tennis (this duo that are a married couple from Denver), released their debut album, Cape Dory, after both graduated in philosophy and travelled seven months in a small sailboat! Result: a fantastic record with indie pop music to be ear on the beach with all the relaxation possible.